Sword Art Online Fanon Wiki
Test of Will
Technique Info
Kanji テスト・オブ・ウィル
Romaji Tesuto Obu u~iru
Classification Elemental Bending - Conjuration
Rank C-rank
Class Supplementary
Range Close-Range
Similar/Related Techniques Binding Contract

Test of Will is an Energy Bending Conjuration technique in Endless Utopia Online.


Test of Will is a conjuration sealing technique that makes the user create a customized self-imposed restriction that is harmful or potentially so for the him. Since Aera is very connected to the user's resolve, the result of Test of Will is that the Aera of the user becomes more powerful.

Test of Will works by following the principle of equivalent exchange. In other words, the harsher the restriction, the bigger the power increase of Aera. Some seals may need to be maintained outside of combat, while others are exclusive to combat situations.

Test of Will can also be implemented to strengthen a certain technique (E.g: I will only use this technique against certain people or I will only use this technique a certain way).

The penalty of breaking this seal is the loss of whatever was gained through this technique.


Though it is an unsustained legend, it's said that the creator of this technique was a Conjurer that, quite aware that Conjuration isn't an Aera-type that's well suited for combat, decided to create this technique in order to enhance his other abilities.

List of Users and their Seals[]

User Name of the Seal Restriction imposed
[REDACTED] Guardless Fighter "I will fight without a raised guard and without blocking strikes"
[Fairy-Fiend Hybrid] Harmonious Paradox "I will not use any other natural elements other than Light and Darkness. If I do, I will die."

