Sword Art Online Fanon Wiki
Warning This Character, Takenaka Hanji, is property of XShinigami1998.

Personal Info
Personal Info
Real Name Takenaka Hanji
Kanji 竹中 判事
Romaji Takenaka Hanji
Birthday October 3rd 2005
Age 17
Gender Male
Height 172 cm
Weight 59 kg
Occupation High School Student / Gamer
Family Unknown
Player Profile
Display Name NULL
Kanji (Display) ヌル
Romaji (Display) NURU
Epithet The Red Reaper
VR Played SAO
Occupation PKer
Affiliation Laughing Coffin
Base of Operations Laughing Coffin Base
Status Unknown
Appears In Sword Art Online: Lament of the Reaper

Takenaka Hanji (竹中 判事, Takenaka Hanji), known primarily as NULL (ヌル , Nuru) in <<Sword Art Online>> (SAO). He is the protagonist of  Sword Art Online: Lament of the Reaper (SAO:LotR)


NULL's appearance in game is currently unknown before his time as NULL. His real world appearance is also unknown

His avatar is of a leaner and more androgynous build. His hair is about waist length and grey in color. His eyes are an unnatural blue color. His avatar also bears a red cursor, as if he were a monster.

When he first awoke in the bamboo forest he was wearing the <<Castelnau Plate>>, a unique metal breastplate styled as a skull, under which was a damaged chain mail hauberk. He also wore plain black pants, black boots, and white gloves, all of which were damaged. His right thigh and upper arm also each had armor / holsters of throwing implements strapped on. He also awoke with the scythe <<Anubis>> an implement he is never without.

Upon joining Laughing Coffin he received the standard cloak, emblazoned with the logo, which he wears hanging on either shoulder. He also received a metal half mask which he wears to hide his face, mostly at the behest of Laughing Coffin. He would also begin to put poison on his daggers giving them a sickly green edge. His equipment, now repaired, otherwise remained the same. Except for his gloves which are preternaturally white.


Though outwardly cool and calm with a very calculated manner of speech, NULL has a much deeper personality; constantly thinking to himself. This can be seen through his motivation for giving in to <<Anubis>>. On one hand his compassion for others drives him to suffer to keep others safe. But on the other hand his sense of self preservation drives him to ultimately kill. Of course though he justifies his killings with his belief that he has strong enough morals to be a judge of who lives and dies.


Currently little is known of NULL's background before he was trapped in SAO. All that is known is his real name, Takenaka Hanji (竹中 判事, Takenaka Hanji), and his birthday of October 3rd 2005. His real world occupation of student is simply presumed by NULL himself.


Sword Art Online: Lament of the Reaper[]

Awakening in a bamboo forest a player once named Takenaka Hanji (竹中 判事, Takenaka Hanji) finds himself changed into something between man and monster. Hardly remembering his past, he quickly learns from an A.I., <<Anubis>>, that takes the form of a scythe that he must kill if he hopes to go on living. Originally apprehensive once resolving to only kill red players he relents and takes up the scythe's offer. Soon he becomes a legend bound to the floor he hunts in eventually getting the attention of the front-liners and Laughing Coffin. Knowing the front-liners would kill him or capture him he teams up with Laughing Coffin. Doing this seals his fate as a red player, but clandestine encounters begin to remind Hanji of who he once of.



NULL originally encountered this hyper intelligent A.I. when he awoke in the bamboo forest. He considers the A.I. an almost demonic patron, that while giving him esoteric powers also threatens his very life, and is seemingly making a game out of his and his prey's lives. Considering that <<Anubis>> can read NULL's broad emotions their relationship is further complicated. <<Anubis>> seemingly relishes in toying with NULL.


The leader of the Laughing Coffin group sent to capture NULL. After convincing NULL to join Laughing Coffin he became the effective boss of NULL. He is the one that typically sends NULL out on missions. Their interactions with one another are often to the point. NULL considers Ironzz to a be a smart and domineering man.


A female member of Laughing Coffin that actually was the one to track down NULL. In their original meeting she didn't speak to NULL. But he noted her sinister air. NULL's intuition would prove correct and in later interactions NULL would learn just how twisted she really was. Though she is undeniably awful NULL can't deny that their is a transfixing quality about her.


A face from NULL's past when he went by Hanji. Juno was a close confidant of his and they spent extensive time together as they endeavored to survive the death game that is SAO. Their relationship now is strained at best considering NULL's loss of memory and current state as a half man half monster. She still sees good in him, though NULL would rather keep her uninvolved with his current self.


A face from NULL's past when he went by Hanji. Tsunen was a mentor to NULL and originally showed him the beauty that lied in SAO and convinced to make something of his virtual life when he was at his lowest. NULL considers Tsunen very wise for his extensive knowledge and his age being much older than most SAO players. Currently the two share an adversarial relationship as the two grapple with what to do with one another, with killing one another a more and more likely outcome.


Sword Art Online[]

  • Level:55
  • HP:10000

Main Equipment[]

<<Anubis>> A scythe type weapon that contains an advanced A.I. It's acquisition lead to NULL gaining unique skills also simply labeled NULL. Most notable is the passive status he gained called the Crimson Path, a skill that forces him to kill players to regain health. Null is unaware where he acquired <<Anubis>>.  

<<Castelnau Plate>> A unique piece of metal chest armor rendered in the shape of a skull. The item is currently not known to have any special powers. NULL is unaware where he acquired such an Item. 

<<Steel Kunai>> Throwing knife. NULL has 8 on his person at given time, split evenly between two custom armor / holster pieces. One each on his right thigh and upper arm. 


One-handed Curved Sword Light Metal Armor Throwing Sword Armor Piercing Acrobatics
600 / 1000
570 / 1000
500 / 1000
550 / 1000
550 / 1000
Battle Healing Parry Sprinting <<NULL>> <<NULL>>
520 / 1000
500 / 1000
480 / 1000
NULL / 1000
NULL / 1000

Sword Skills[]

Notable Achievements[]


Music Themes[]


Hanji's Mixtape


The characters family name was originally Karitoriki roughly meaning "reaping machine".
