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Warning This player, Santino Serpico, is property of FedeTkd.
Santino Serpico
Personal Info
Real Name Santino Serpico
Kanji サーンティーノー・セルピコ
Romaji Sāntīnō serupiko
Age 23
Gender Male
Height 1.81 cm
Weight 76 kg
Player Profile
VR Played Endless Utopia Online
Occupation Member of the Imperial Guard
Status Alive

Santino Serpico is a Hybrid player of Endless Utopia Online. In-game, he is known as [REDACTED], and he serves as one of the members of the Imperial Guard of Zaetharion II Blackwyng, the current Emperor of Darkness.


Santino's Avatar, [REDACTED], is a tall and fair-skinned man. His turquoise eyes are sharp and particularly beautiful, and along with his long hair, give him an androgynous appearance. He keeps his face set in a wide, half-mocking, smile, which he only wipes off on rare occasions. He wears a customized version of House Blackwyng's Imperial Guard's uniform.


Santino is known throughout Agea for his well-publicized deeds, which have earned him a reputation as a cruel and brutal individual. As a result, most people are taken aback when they meet him. Despite his fearsome reputation, he presents an outwardly friendly and cheerful demeanor, possessing an approachable and charismatic air. He often talks and acts in a calm and carefree manner, and his androgynous appearance further contributes to the confusion about his true nature.

However, this warmth is little more than a facade meant to hide his psychopathic tendencies and cruel side.

Santino's fake friendly demeanor is evident in his overly affectionate attitude, childish behaviors, and inappropriate actions. He has given his underlings in the imperial guard nicknames to express his fondness for them, viewing them as his newfound group of friends. As a result, most of the members of the guard dislike or distrust him, often keeping their distance from him. Despite this, Santino seemengly remains oblivious to this and continues to be amiable towards them.

Santino is known for being quite cheeky, often using fake politeness and sarcasm in his speech, making it challenging for others to discern his true thoughts and feelings. His often condesending comments have caused conflict within the guard, mainly with his former superior, Ulrich Schmidt. The two people he seems to respect slightly more than the rest are his leader and his emperor.

Even in tense or dangerous situations, he almost always maintains a smile or a goofy expression. He is quite confident in battle, rarely losing his temper and often toying with his opponents.

Santino sees himself as a woman and refers to himself as a lady or maiden.



Zaetharion II Blackwyng

Zaetharion seems to be one of the two people Santino respects and even somewhat reveers.

Mortherion Blackwyng

Mortherion is one of the few people that Santino respects and follows his authority. He even admited himself that he could not defeat Mortherion on his own.

Udoroth Phenex

Udoroth openly hates Santino, since he took his position after a Blood Duel. However, Santino views Udoroth as a trusted friend, and nickname him "Explosive boy", much to Udoroth annoyance.ce.

Camillia Bael

As the de facto second-in-command of the Imperial Guard, Camillia is Santino's superior. Although Santino holds the rank of second among the Imperial Guard, it does not seem to bother him that Camillia outranks him. He has even given her the nicknames "Little Spider" or "Spider Girl.".

Rai Narukami

Santino joined the Guard at the same time as Rai. He was the first person Rai met and, being a fellow hybrid in the Guard, he immediately tried to befriend him, despite Rai's dislike of him. Santino nicknamed Rai "edgy prince" or "edgy boy."

Other Members of the Imperial Guard


Endless Utopia Online[]

  • Race: Hybrid (Fiend - Nymph)
  • Aera-Type: Conjurer
  • Occupation: Member of the Imperial Guard
  • Main Equipment:

Santino is an incredibly powerful Half-fiend with incredible reserves of Aera. His power was enough to earn him the Second Rank in the Imperial Guard after defeating Udoroth Phenex during a blood duel.

Santino's main ability is his Crafted Technique, Bloody Mary.

Despite his power, however, Santino himself has admitted that he could not defeat his leader, Mortherion Blackwyng (this presumably being because Lightning has advantages over Santino's abilities with Water and Blood).


  • Etymology:
    • Santino is a masculine name of Italian origin meaning “little saint” or “sacred”. In comes from the latin word "santus".
    • Serpico comes from a nickname derived from Italian serpe "serpent, reptile".