Sword Art Online Fanon Wiki
Sword Art Online Fanon Wiki
Animal Info
Kanji フィーニクセズ
Romaji Fīnikusezu
Type Birds
Diet Carnivore
Element Fire
Habitat Mountains and forests

Phoenixes are a species of animals found in Endless Utopia Online.


A phoenix is a large bird of prey, approximately the size of a Bald Eagle, with red, orange, yellow, and golden plumage. Their claws and beak are gleaming gold and their eyes are pitch black, as are its scales.

Being a bird, a Phoenix is born from eggs that are roughly the same size as a baseball ball. They make their nests in tall mountains or forests. When born, they are the size of a small cat but can grow notably. A phoenix reaches adulthood in 2 years.

Phoenixes have notable wing strength and are capable of flying for rather long distances while holding prey. They also use this technique to carry people or objects.

Most notably, Phoenixes are capable of using Aera, most notably showcased in their ability to use Fire, Light and Wind, and sometimes even Sun and Scorch. The tears of the phoenix are known for their incredible healing capabilities. This ability is why it's heavily presumed that this means they have incredible skill in at least one technique of Water.


Phoenixes are lone animals, typically spending time alone in their territory. They are only seen accompanied when they mate, but leave once the children learn to fly and hunt.

Phoenixes are notably smart animals, capable of understanding language and commands to a larger degree than most. They are extremely loyal creatures and are capable of arriving to the aid of beings who share a similar devotion.

Known Phoenixes[]



EUO Fauna
Fish Hippocampii - Leviathans
Amphibian Salamanders
Reptile Archelons - Basilisks - Dragonids (Coatyls - Dragons (Drakes - Sky-Wryms - Wyverns) - Feygons - Lungtyl - Sea Dragons) - Hydras - Raptors
Bird Blood Crows - Cockatrices - Griffons - Garudas - Harpies - Phoenixes - Thunderbirds - Winter Eagles
Mammal Bahamuts - Direwolves - Forked Foxes - Forked Cats - Hellcats - Hellhounds - Mammoths - Pegasi - Unicorns
Invertebrate Krakens - Magnatula - Sandwyrms