Sword Art Online Fanon Wiki
Technique Info
Kanji インボケーション
Romaji Inbokēshon
Classification Energy Bending - Conjuration
Rank D-rank
Class Suplementary
Range Close-Range
Similar/Related Techniques Inventory
Instant Arsenal
Soul Bond
Binding Contract

Invocation is an Energy Bending Conjuration technique in Endless Utopia Online.


Invocation is a conjuration summoning technique used to summon a creature, either an animal or a person.

Before summoning an animal, a prospective summoner must first form a contract with the animal or group of animals. Sometimes the animal is wild, and this requires the Aera user to discipline and break it, in a similar fashion to taming a wild horse in real life. This limitation can be bypassed by a Beast Tamer, as they already formed a contract with their tamed beast.

Once the contract is established, the user must use their own personal Aera seal and engrave it into a piece of parchment or clothing, and whenever he wishes to summon his animal, he only needs to place his hand over the seal to invoke the animal.

The size, power, and amount of Aera of the desired animal (or animals) determines the amount of Aera required to summon it. For instance, Direwolves and Forked Cats demand far less Aera than Dragons or Hydras.

The main purpose of invoking an animal is to lend assistance to their summoner, either by carrying out tasks or joining them in combat.

In contrast with animals, people need to consent whenever someone desires to summon them.

