Sword Art Online Fanon Wiki
Imperial Guard
EUO Organization Info
Kanji インピアリアル・ガード
Romaji Inpiariaru gādo
Symbol Seven Black Swords
Type Sworn Brotherhood
Royal Bodyguard
Status Active
Focus Guarding and obeying the Emperor and his family members
Allegiance Emperor of Darkness
Current Leader Lord Captain Mortherion Blackwyng
Founder Kanon Daemon

Imperial Guard, also known as the Seven Black Swords or simply the Seven, is an elite group of seven Fiends, supposedly the greatest and most skilled warriors of the fiends, who serve as the royal bodyguards of the Emperor of Darkness. Their duty is to protect their Emperor and the imperial family from any harm, to obey his commands, and to keep his secrets. Due to their dutiful service over the years, are also labed as the "Emperor's Blades".



The Imperial Guard is composed of seven Fiends or/and Half-Fiends. Imperial Guards can be Knights, but it is not a prerequisite. An Imperial Guard serves for life, regardless of age or physical limitations or mental ailments. All the members are forbidden to marry, hold lands, or father children. They may, however, retain or be granted non-hereditary titles.

The first and main duty of any Imperial Guard is to keep the Emperor from harm. They are sworn to obey the Emperor's commands, to keep his secrets, to counsel him when requested and to keep silent when not, and to defend his name and honor. The Emperor can decide to extend the protection to others. They are also sworn not to harm any member of the royal family.

Typically, when a new Emperor of Darkness is elected, the members of the guards are dismissed from service, and a new seven men guard is chosen. On rare occasions, one or more members of the previous Emperor of Darkness could also be chosen as members of the new guard.

In order to protect the king and the royal family night and day, the seven men must rely to some degree on others, mostly members of the household of the current Emperor.

The Lord Captain is the leader of the Imperial Guard. He is chosen by the Emperor of Darkness himself. If he were to die, a new one is chosen from the existing pool, with seniority and ability playing big parts in the decision.

All Imperial Guards need to swear a holy vow and serve for life, oathbreakers are regarded as outlaws, and have bounties in their heads. They can be dismissed from duty by the Emperor of Darkness when he considers it, but this is rather rare to happen. Being dismissed from the position is considered to be highly humiliating among Fiends.


Each Emperor has a unique uniform and armor designed for their guard. These uniforms and armors typically display the Emperor's house colors and heraldry, distinguishing them from the armor worn by household guards. Additionally, the uniform and armor feature the embossed symbol of the Imperial Guard. Customization is permitted if the guard's specific abilities benefit from a tailored design for combat.


Rank and Blood Duels[]

Each Imperial Guards is given a number from one to seven by the Emperor. That number is their rank, which establishes a certain chain of command within the guard, with 1 typically given to the Lord Captain, while the rest of the guards are given the numbers from two to seven. The order may be according to fighting prowess, but this is not necessary. The hierarchical order must be respected, and any disruption to is met with swift punishment to the offender. It is up to the Emperor himself, the members of his family or the Lord Captain to decide this punishment.

If there is a disagreement or dissatisfaction between two of the members of the guard, any of them is able to invoke the right to duel the other. This duel must be approved by the Emperor himself, or at least, one of the family members. Whoever approved the duel can also set up the rules of the duel, but he can also simply leave that to the duelists and approve or change the rules. Whoever approved the rules must also bear witness to the duel, along with the remaining members of the Imperial Guard.

Duels may be fought to the death, but it's up to the Emperor to decide when the duel ends. Also, if the lower-ranked Imperial Guard defeats the other, they may switch ranks.

Background and History[]

Known Members[]

Zaetharion II Blackyng[]

The uniform of Zaetharion's imperial guard consists of a knee-length black coat, with lining in purple and red and buttons in golden, with black breeches and knee-high dark brown boots. Their armor consists of a breastplate, pauldrons, greaves, and vambraces, all black with purple edges and details, and a matching helm shaped like a bat. They carry a black cloak that resembles a bat's wings.
