Sword Art Online Fanon Wiki
Race Info
Kanji ハイブリドズ
Romaji Haiburidozu
Form of Government None
Head of State None
Leader None
Capital None
Elemental Affinity Race Dependant

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Hybrids, occasionally also refered to as half-breeds or halflings, are one of the seven playable races in Endless Utopia Online.


Hybrids' appearance is typically a combination of their progenitor's races, so it's easy to observe that someone is a Hybrid with just a simple look. However, this is just the general norm and sometimes it isn't easy to know if someone is a Hybrid.

Heterochromia, or eyes of different colors is a typical trait of Hybrids, along with multi-colored hair.


Simply put, Hybrids are the result of the intimacy between two individuals of different races. As such, the child born of said relationship would be a Hybrid, a crossbreed being who combines various aspects of both races. For this, they have suffered discrimination for a long time. They are also called half-breeds.

There are two types of Hybrids: Regular Hybrids and hybrids of races with opposite elemental affinity, better known as Irregular Hybrids. The latter is the rarest type.

Hybrids do not have a territory of their own. They live scattered across Agea, sometimes in the same territory, they were born. Others travel through Agea.

There are a total of 15 possible race combinations for a Hybrid. Of those 15, 3 are Irregular Hybrids. The possible combinations between the six races are are:

Races Fairy Avian Nymph Draco Terran Fiend
Fairy Fairy-Avian Fairy-Nymph Fairy-Draco Fairy-Terran Fairy-Fiend
Avian Avian-Fairy Avian-Nymph Avian-Draco Avian-Terran Avian-Fiend
Nymph Nymph-Fairy Nymph-Avian Nymph-Draco Nymph-Terran Nymph-Fiend
Draco Draco-Fairy Draco-Avian Draco-Nymph Draco-Terran Draco-Fiend
Terran Terran-Fairy Terran-Avian Terran-Nymph Terran-Draco Terrans-Fiend
Fiend Fiend-Fairy Fiend-Avian Fiend-Nymph Fiend-Draco Fiend-Terrans

In terms of playability, Hybrids are randomly and rarely generated from new players when they choose their race.


As a combination of two races, Hybrids possess the abilities and weaknesses of both. They regularly have a large reserves of Aera. However, this does not come for free, as their powers are more unstable and therefore it is more difficult for them to control their powers.

The abilities of a Hybrid are dependent on their bloodline and on their type. Regular Hybrids have two elemental affinities, but they also have two opposed elements as a downside. They are likely to never fully learn how to use the two opposed elements two properly. On the other hand, Irregular Hybrids have two opposed elemental affinities. This comes at the cost of being extremely unstable when they have not trained their abilities enough, even more so than Regular Hybrids. While Hybrids are capable of using both powers at the same time, this requires a lot of time and practice, as it requires focus to both elements at the same time. This is even more important for Irregular Hybrids since they are dual-wielding opposed elements.

Notably, Hybrids have a hard time using techniques that are exclusive to a single race.

Due to the unstable nature of Hybrid Aera, many use Conjuration techniques as to limit their own power to gain a better control over it.

It should be noted that a Hybrid that has managed to master their abilities is a force to be reckoned with, especially if he is an Irregular.

Known Hybrids[]

Regular Hybrids

Irregular Hybrids

  • [REDACTED] (Fairy-Fiend)
  • [REDACTED] (Nymph-Draco)
  • [REDACTED] (Terran-Avian)


  • If a Hybrid would have an offspring with an individual, who is not a Hybrid, the offspring would also be a Hybrid. However, if one of the two halves of the hybrid is the same as his or her partner, their offspring could be of the same race as the non-hybrid parent.
    • Similarly, the offspring between Hybrids will always be a Hybrid. In rare exceptions, if the two Hybrids of the same race (for instance, a Terran-Draco and a Terrans-Fiend), the offspring could be a non-hybrid.
  • The idea of a seventh race called Hybrids came from End War Online.


Races of Endless Utopia Online
Seven Playable Races Avians - Dracos - Fairies - Fiends - Hybrids - Nymphs - Terrans
EUO Nations, Political Bodies and Noble Houses
Avian Confederation High Consulate
First Consul
House Ayres - House Boreas - House Corvin-House Cygnus - House Griffith - House Highstorm - House Merva - House Riser - House Zimorgh
Dragon Kingdom Dragon King House Albion - House Aldrake - House Pryde - House Qotyle - House Redmont - House Thraig - House Uyller - House Vermilion - House Vornm
Fairy Federation Celestial Triumvirate House Archipion- House Donnerion - House Elric - House Grandria - House Khyrion - House Lightsworn - House Leograce - House Morningstar - House Odion - House Swiftwynd - House Valor - House Vendemillion
Fiend Empire Emperor of Darkness House Abaddon - House Andreal - House Bael - House Blackwyng - House Daemon - House Elingor - House Gremory - House Grimm - House Hyde - House Lucifuge - House Phenex - House Sitri - House Vane
Nymph Princedom Grand Prince
Grand Assembly
House Arthene - House Curry - House Frost- House Laeryon - House Livya - House Strongjaw - House Thulgon - House Xebel
Terran Republic Terran Senate
House Amber - House Ballinton - House Brawn - House Evergarden - House Flint - House Forrester - House Oakenshield - House Rider - House Smithe - House Whitehart - House Whitfield